
Showing posts from May, 2023

blog post 20

 write about something too small/too big Something that was too small were these jogging pants my manager got me. So at my job we can't wear leggings and she asked somebody to cover a shift. I told her I could but that I had on leggings. She told me she was going to purchase me some pants because her bosses boss was coming. I found some joggers to match my outfit but they were an extra small. I got them and put them on and they were so small. But I had nothing else to put on so I had too settle.

blog post 19

 write about something I wish I asked Something I wish I asked was "Why weren't we so close"? I would ask this question to my granddad who passed away. Me and him was never close until right before he passed. Every time I went around he wouldn't talk to me and I wouldn't talk to him. Me being the child he should've talked to me.

blog post 18

 write about something you knew was over In the winter of 2013, my grandpa had got really sick. He ended up being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was getting a little better over the months then April 2013 he got extremely sick. During the summer me and my family took a vacation up there to Chicago. By this point he was in the ICU and I never been the type to see people in the hospital. So has I sat in the waiting room, waiting for my family to come out has they were walking back to the waiting room some were crying and others were just looking sad. By that time I knew it was over for him. That next morning my auntie called me in the room and told me he passed that night before, my heart has been broken ever since.

blog post 17

 write about all the secrets kept from you There has been a lot of secrets kept from me some I know and some I don't know. About there was one secret that's recent but the person still doesn't know that I know. When secrets get kept from me I always end up finding them out at the end of the day. Therefore, I am not going to say the secrets, but I definitely was and is a lot kept from me.

may 11,2023

 Today I woke up this morning and took a shower. Then, I started on some work for my classes. After, I took a tv break and watched Empire. When I got back I completed a few more assignments. Lastly I finished my assignments for the day and washed my hair to et ready for my hair appointment.

blog post 16

 Something you can't deny Something I can't deny is Drake is the best rapper of all time. I say this because he has shown us over the years that he is the best. From when he first came out he was on top of the charts. He is not that consistent anymore but that doesn't mean he isn't the best. I just love how much of a lyricist he is. This is just something I can't deny.

blog post 15

 write about something i am certain of Something that I am certain of is that I am going to become an RN. I am certain of this because I am going to put the work in and effort to get to where I need to be. Being a RN has always been a passion of mine since I was little. So I definitely want to make my dreams come turn and pull through on this.

blog post 14

write about a secret being revealed One time I was in class and I told one of my classmates that I saw the answers to the test on a piece of paper on the teacher's desk. So I went and wrote them down on a sheet of paper. The test was about to start and the teacher says I changed all the questions and answers because somebody looked on my desk and found them. I immediately looked over at the classmate and gave them the meanest look and rolled my eyes.

may 10,2023

Today I woke up this morning and took a shower. Then, I started on some work for my classes. After, I cooked me some french  toast and bacon with pineapple juice. When I got back I completed a few more assignments. Lastly I finished my assignments for the day and I got ready for work.

blog post 13

 write about someone you forgot My dad had this friend they were next door neighbors. So, one day while out to eat and the lady seen me and my mom. She was so excited to see me, but I did not know her at all. She was telling me all about how I used to play with her daughter and always be at their house, but I didn't remember her or her child at all.

blog post 12

 write about a gift that was not well received A gift that wasn't well received was when I got a card of money for my 16th birthday. I had no name, writing, or anything. It was 200 dollars in there and nobody knew who it was from. So I was calling everyone who showed up and finally found out it was. It was my dad's wife who left the card.

may 9,2023

 Today I woke up this morning and took a shower. Then, I started on some work for my classes. After, my mom and I went to get breakfast. When I got back I completed a few more assignments. Lastly I finished my assignments for the day and I got ready for work.

blog post 11

 write a long thank you letter Dear Mom, I am writing to express my gratitude for the amazing gift you gave me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you brought me a car. It is not only a beautiful vehicle, but also a symbol of your love and how much you care about how much I wanted this. You have always been supportive of my dreams and goals, and now you have given me the means to pursue them with more ease and comfort. I appreciate your trust and confidence in me, and I promise to take good care of the car and use it responsibly. You are the best mom in the world, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for everything you do for me, and for being such a wonderful role model. I love you with all my heart. Your beautiful daughter, Aliyah

blog post 10

 write a long apology  Dear Aliyah, I am writing to express my deepest regret for what I did to you. I know that words cannot undo the damage I caused, but I hope you will give me a chance to explain myself and ask for your forgiveness. I acted impulsively and selfishly, without considering the consequences of my actions or how they would affect you. I betrayed your trust and hurt you in a way that I can never take back. I am ashamed of myself and I wish I could erase that moment from our history. You have been nothing but kind, loyal, and supportive to me. You are a wonderful person and you deserve better than what I gave you. You have every right to be angry and disappointed with me, and to end our relationship if that is what you want. I don't expect you to forgive me right away, or at all. But I hope you will give me a chance to prove to you that I have changed and that I can be the person you deserve. I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust and respect agai

may 8, 2023

Today I woke up this morning and made me some breakfast. I made some sausage and some waffles. After, I started on some of my missing work and watched some tv. Then, I took me a little break and got on tik-tok. Completed more missing work before I had to get ready for work. 

blog post 9

 Something that doesn't get better is grieve. Grief can ease away and not be so heavy but it never goes away. I say this because I have dealt with a lot of grief and it doesn't get better because every time I think about the person it all comes raining down on me so heavy. Grief is just one of those things that just does not go away and get better. 

blog post 8

 Something I planned to do was take CNA class this upcoming May, but things didn't turn out right. Basically, the registration fee was 350 for the class and I had just heard about the class, so it was short timing. Once I told my mom about the class, it was too late for me to register. I called the school and everything about they told me that it was too late for me to enroll. But because this is something tahat I am passionate about, I am going to register for the class again next year march if not before than. 

blog post 7

write about a time you had no fun. It was maybe a month ago, my mom and I were invited to a birthday party for her friend's daughter. Once we arrived no one was there but three other people. So by that time I decided to sit in the car and watch tik tok until it was over. I was so bored I fell asleep in the car. By the time I woke up it was two hours later and my mom was still in there talking to her friend meanwhile I am in the car ready to go! This is a time I had no fun at all.

may 1,2023

 Today I went to Ms.Bryant's class to make up missing assignments. Then I went to lunch and talked with my friends. After lunch it was time to go to 4th period. My teacher wasn't here so I completed more assignments. 

blog post 6

 When I was in middle school I used to know how to do a toe touch perfectly. I used to be a cheerleader and I had a touch one down pack. Now I do not know how to do a perfect toe touch. I want to try and learn again but I definitely lost it. It could be really fun if I could re-learn how to do a toe touch again.

blog post 5

 Something I don’t really remember is when I was around 3 or 4 I fell down the stairs. From what I was told I had on my grandma heels and I walked on the banister and the heel slipped and I fell off the banister. My mom says that my ankle was swollen and everything but I just don’t remember at all. 

blog post 4

 A time I knew I was in trouble was when I was in the 5th grade and I got a phone call home because I was talking back to a teacher. When I got on the phone with my mom she was calm so I knew when I got home I was in trouble. Soon as I walked through the door she said “you know what is about to happen right?” I immediately started crying but it didn’t work because she still whopped me at the end of it all. 

blog post 3

 Something I have too much of is crocs. I literally have 8 pair of crocs for no reason. When they first got back popular I started to buy them in almost every color I thought was cute. Now I regret it because I don’t wear them anymore only one pair and that’s my yellow pair. Crocs is something I have too much of for literally no reason.

blog post 2

Write about something/someone being born On July 14,2020 my baby brother was born. He is the youngest sibling out of me and my other brother. It was such a special moment because I needed him honestly. I treat him like he was my own child. He means the most to me. Since he's been born he been stuck to my hip and it is awesome. The day he was born was so great, his mom was in labor for so long. I kept calling my dad asking was he here yet. So hours finally pass and he finally texted me and sent me a picture with his name, height, weight. July 14, 2020 will always be one of my favorite days.

blog post 1

 write about a time when you'd dressed inappropriately for the occasion.  A time when I felt like I dressed inappropriately for an occasion is when one time I went to a birthday dinner and the theme was dress casual so I decided to wear jeans and a graph tee. So when I arrived I seen  everybody had on dresses, button down shirts and I instantly felt out of place. So I didn't want to take any pictures, or really even be there anymore. Therefore, from now on I am going to ask what is their definition of dressing casual.