
blog post 20

 write about something too small/too big Something that was too small were these jogging pants my manager got me. So at my job we can't wear leggings and she asked somebody to cover a shift. I told her I could but that I had on leggings. She told me she was going to purchase me some pants because her bosses boss was coming. I found some joggers to match my outfit but they were an extra small. I got them and put them on and they were so small. But I had nothing else to put on so I had too settle.

blog post 19

 write about something I wish I asked Something I wish I asked was "Why weren't we so close"? I would ask this question to my granddad who passed away. Me and him was never close until right before he passed. Every time I went around he wouldn't talk to me and I wouldn't talk to him. Me being the child he should've talked to me.

blog post 18

 write about something you knew was over In the winter of 2013, my grandpa had got really sick. He ended up being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was getting a little better over the months then April 2013 he got extremely sick. During the summer me and my family took a vacation up there to Chicago. By this point he was in the ICU and I never been the type to see people in the hospital. So has I sat in the waiting room, waiting for my family to come out has they were walking back to the waiting room some were crying and others were just looking sad. By that time I knew it was over for him. That next morning my auntie called me in the room and told me he passed that night before, my heart has been broken ever since.

blog post 17

 write about all the secrets kept from you There has been a lot of secrets kept from me some I know and some I don't know. About there was one secret that's recent but the person still doesn't know that I know. When secrets get kept from me I always end up finding them out at the end of the day. Therefore, I am not going to say the secrets, but I definitely was and is a lot kept from me.

may 11,2023

 Today I woke up this morning and took a shower. Then, I started on some work for my classes. After, I took a tv break and watched Empire. When I got back I completed a few more assignments. Lastly I finished my assignments for the day and washed my hair to et ready for my hair appointment.

blog post 16

 Something you can't deny Something I can't deny is Drake is the best rapper of all time. I say this because he has shown us over the years that he is the best. From when he first came out he was on top of the charts. He is not that consistent anymore but that doesn't mean he isn't the best. I just love how much of a lyricist he is. This is just something I can't deny.

blog post 15

 write about something i am certain of Something that I am certain of is that I am going to become an RN. I am certain of this because I am going to put the work in and effort to get to where I need to be. Being a RN has always been a passion of mine since I was little. So I definitely want to make my dreams come turn and pull through on this.